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Contents of Back Issues

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Contents of Back Issues

Below you will find information for each past issue of Storytelling World.

Issue 17: Stories for Special Occasions

Table of Contents for Issue 17

(Winter/Spring 2000) This issue includes annotated bibliographies and some sample stories ( by folks such as Donald Davis) for: Anniversaries, Birthdays, Black History, Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa, Death, Divorce, Easter, Family Relationships, Friendship, Graduation, Groundhog Day, Halloween, Independence Day, Labor Day, Love, Memorial Day, New Year's Day, Presidents' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Valentine's Day, and Weddings/Betrothals. These were compiled by Sue Christian, Jan Cribbs, Catherine Crowley, Celine Devers, Mary Gavlik, Susan Graybeal, and William Wilder. This issue also showcases the Finalists of the 1999 National Storytelling Youth Olympics.

Issue 16: Telling Scary Stories

Table of Contents for Issue 16

(Summer/Fall 1999) This issue includes four "scary" stories (with permission for YOU to tell them), written by Kathryn Windham, Catherine Crowley, Charles Edwin Price, and Pat Mendoza; AND extensive INFORMATION about telling scary stories. This information section includes the following topics: The appeal of scary stories, defining the genre, character development and suspense, ghosts and ghost stories, the benefits of fear, the role of the supernatural, the contemporary scary scene, tips for scary stories, the origin of Halloween, a vocabulary for scary stories, and techniques of Gothic fiction. Also see the 1999 Storytelling World Resource Awards showcased--WITH company names and addresses.

Issue 15: Storytelling Ethics

Table of Contents for Issue 15

(Winter/Spring 1999): Some Pressing Issues for Storytellers: ETHICS, Apprenticeship, Etiquette, Courtesy, and Copyright. Guest Editor: Susan Klein, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. Including additional professional opinions offered by Carol Birch, Joe Bruchac, Milbre Burch, Donald Davis, Janice Del Negro, Gay Ducey, Elizabeth Ellis, Rex Ellis, Diane Ferlatte, Heather Forest, Bill Harley, David Holt, Nan Kammann, Dan Keding, Vernon Lapps, Doug Lipman, Sandra MacLees, Lee Ellen Marvin, Patricia McKissack, Jay O'Callahan, Michael Parent, Connie Regan-Blake, J.J. Reneaux, David Rouille, Maynard Silva, and Kathryn Windham.

Issue 14: Can Stories Heal?

Table of Contents for Issue 14

(Summer/Fall 1998): Erica Meade shares information on the power of healing through stories. Other stories and insights by Jay O'Callahan, Doug Lipman, Michael Cotter, Diane Rooks, Hope Baugh, Karen Teets, Fran Yardley, Oceanna, Susannah Miller, Graham Disque, and Mary Langenbrunner. Winners of the 1998 Storytelling World Awards!

Issue 13-"High-Tech" Storytelling

Table of Contents for Issue 13

(Winter/Spring 1998): A peek at David Holt's awesome Thunderware. Stories and high-tech information by Brian Cavanaugh, Rex Ellis, Elizabeth Fluellen, Gail Fricker, Heather Forest, Carol and Jack Huebner, Dolores Hydock, Jim Kevin, Doug Lipman, David Novak, R. Craig Roney, Russ Smith, Wendy Welch, and Ron Wickman. Meet the finalists from the 1997 National Storytelling Youth Olympics.

Issue 12-The Audience

Table of Contents for Issue 12

(Summer/Fall 1997): What to expect from audiences and how to handle them. Years of insight by Ed Stivender. Donald Davis describes a year of "audiences on the road." Audience information, anecdotes, and stories by Jeannine Beekman, Odds Bodkin, Kevin Cordi, Jane Cunningham, Gail de Vos, Doug Elliott, Elizabeth Ellis, John Ferguson, Mitch Weiss and Martha Hamilton, Carol and Jack Huebner, Jim Kevin, Jym Kruse, Doug Lipman, Olga Loya, John Milligan, Jim Mittelstadt, Ed Okonowicz, J. G. Pinkerton, Robert Rubinstein, Laura Simms, Jim Weiss, Wendy Welch, and Richard and Judy Dockery Young. Winners of the 1997 Storytelling World Awards!

Issue 11-Creating and Crafting Stories

Table of Contents for Issue 11

(Winter/Spring 1997): Master story crafter Jay O'Callahan, with additional information and stories by Gay Ducey, Elizabeth Ellis, Kathy Unverzagt, Dan Keding, Wendy Welch, Herrick Jeffers, Deborah Hercsek, Margaret Read MacDonald, Heather Forest, John Ferguson, Tom Weakley, Anne Pellowski, Jennifer Strickland, Jim Kevin, Barabara Ishtar Shabaka, Tommy Oaks, and Doug Lipman. Meet the finalists from the 1996 National Storytelling Youth Olympics.

Issue 10-Storytelling Business

Table of Contents for Issue 10

(Summer/Fall 1996): Information about permissions, copyrights, marketing, contracts, agents, and fees by Dr. Caroline Feller Bauer, Judith Black, Lucille Breneman, Heather Forest, Bill Harley, Kendall Haven, David Holt, Gwendolyn Jones, Jim Kevin, Gwenda LedBetter, Doug Lipman, Alice McGill, Bill Mooney, J. J. Reneaux, Jon Spelman, and Barbara G. Schutz-Gruber. Valuable tips from Milbre Burch on how a storytelling artist works. Stories by Adora Dupree, Jeannie Donato, and Donnamarie Emmert. Winners of the 1996 Storytelling World Awards!

Issue 9-Storytelling in the Curriculum

Table of Contents for Issue 9

(Winter/Spring 1996): Use of storytelling in the classroom. Stories designed for academic purposes to tell to school-age students. Meet Australian storyteller Kerry Mallan. Information and stories by Wilma Hoffman, Judy Wolfman, Craig Roney, Pam Johnson, Suzie Booker, Carol Fifield, Janice Maynard, John Owston, Patricia Hruby Powell, Mary Drumwright, Keith Young, and Doug Lipman.

Issue 8-Inspirational Stories

Table of Contents for Issue 8

(Summer/Fall 1995): A fascinating interview with Batt Burns from Ireland. Original stories and articles by Jim Cyr, Tom Weakley, Charles Maynard, Kay Watkins, Catherine Conant, Dava Lee Russell, Tracy Hoilman, Linda Goodman, George Nelsen, Rose B. Kubler, Wendy Welch, Donna O'Toole, and Greta Lipson. Winners of the 1995 Storytelling World Awards!

Issue 7-Choices of Voices (with 1-hour audiotape OR CD)

Table of Contents for Issue 7

(Winter/Spring 1995--See pricing on the Back Order page): Many vocal aspects of storytelling, with an accompanying one-hour audiotape of original stories by Judith Black, Karen Golden, Pam Johnson, and Roger Petersen. Eight different versions of the same story provide a vocal warehouse of ideas for story delivery. Printed stories and articles by David Novak, Carol Birch, John Basinger, John Guillon, Tom Weakley, and others. One of the most unusual issues ever, no doubt a collector's item.

Issue 6-Multicultural Storytelling

Table of Contents for Issue 6

(Summer/Fall 1994): An intriguing interview withJackie Torrence. Original stories and articles by Doug Lipman, Heather McNeil, Cathy Spagnoli, Nancy Deane, Tonya Smith, Sidney Alford, Jim Lyon, Batt Burns, Mara, Karen Fox, Jim "Two Crows" Wallen, Pat Mendoza, Cynthia Watts, Corinne Stavish, and others. Ray Hicks, Angela Medearis, and Joe Bruchac identify their three favorite stories.

Issue 5-Stories for the Younger Generation

Table of Contents for Issue 5

(Winter/Spring 1994): An abundance of stories and articles for children and young adults, including an original action-packed story (and accompanying song) by Jackson Gillman; a shoestring story by David Novak; an article about turning children into storytellers by Australian teller Kerry Mallan; information on audience participation by Ralph Wallenhorst; a provided balloon (with Jeanne Donato's directions) for a mouse character in children's stories; a Create-Your-Own story by the Greeneville Hensleys; high school storytelling information by Gail de Vos, Kevin Cordi, and Dava Lee Russell; a unique hand shadow story, etc. There are other stories and articles by talented story writers and tellers. Rex Ellis, Steven Kellogg, and The Folktellers identify their three favorite stories.

Issue 4-Tickling Tales

Table of Contents for Issue 4

(Summer/Fall 1993): Humorous tales abound in this issue! Bill Harley, Steve Sanfield, Tom Weakley, David Holt, Craig Roney, Roger Petersen, Donna Shedlarz, and many others tell some funny ones! Experts Lucille Breneman, Lynn Rubright, and Doug Lipman offer advice on how to avoid forgetting your story. Favorite tellers Ed Stivender, Alice McGill, and Kathryn Windham identify their three favorite stories.

Issue 3: Twice-Told Tales

Table of Contents for Issue 3

ASK THE Experts: When can my rewrite of a traditional dairy/folktale be called my own story? 3 Ask the Experts- Featuring: PLEASANT DeSPAIN and HEATHER FOREST. 5 Tips from the Storytelling Coach, by DOUG LIPMAN. Three Favorite Stories of Three Favorite Tellers: 15 Favorite Stories- Featuring: DIANE FERLATTE, DOC McCONNELL, and JON SPELMAN.

Issue 2: HiSTORYtelling

Table of Contents for Issue 2

ASK THE EXPERTS: Getting Started - Those First Few Seconds/Minutes of Storytelling... 13 Ask the Experts - Featuring: MAGGI PEIRCE, DAVID HOLT, BOBBY NORFOLK, and DR. CAROLYN FELLER BAUER. 15 Tips from the Storytelling Coach, by DOUG LIPMAN. Three Favorite Stories of Three Favorite Tellers: 19 Favorite Stories - Featuring: J.G. PINKERTON , CAROL BIRCH, and DOROTHEA SLOCUM.

Issue 1: Personal Stories

Table of Contents for Issue 1

Storytelling World Presents: DONALD DAVIS (An insightful interview about personal stories - and other storytelling concerns, conducted by KATHY DIXON), Ask the Experts: JAY O'CALLAHAN and PENINNAH SCHRAM. Also included in this issue are many personal stories and a few articles on storytelling information.